
Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is inspired by God.  It is inerrant and complete in the original documents, and is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.


We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.  He lived a sinless perfect life and performed literal miracles.  He died for the sins of mankind, was buried, and rose bodily from the dead.  He ascended into heaven where He now serves as our Great High Priest. 

Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is a divine Person.  He glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ, convicts the world of sin, and indwells, guides, equips, and empowers believers to live their lives for Christ and His kingdom.


We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, and that they sinned when tempted by Satan.  In union with Adam, all men are sinners by nature and by choice.


We believe that salvation comes only by God’s sovereign grace and man’s response of faith, rather than by any human merit or works.   Every true child of God possesses eternal life, is sealed with the Holy Spirit, and is safe and secure for all eternity.   God desires that all men turn to Him in repentance and faith; our mission as Christians is to communicate this message of salvation to the world.

Eternal Destiny

We believe that all mankind will be resurrected.  The unbelievers will be assigned to eternal conscious torment and separation from God, and believers will be blessed with eternal life in the presence of God. 

The Church

We believe that the Church is composed of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the Church.  The local church is a body of believers that has been joined together for the purposes of presenting the gospel to our community and world, and for worship, teaching, prayer, and fellowship.    The scripturally designated officers serving under Christ are elders and deacons, all of whom must meet biblical qualifications.  All believers are given spiritual gifts for the purpose of bringing glory to God and edifying the body of Christ.

Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

We believe that the two ordinances of the church are baptism and the Lord’s Supper.  These ordinances are not necessary for salvation.  Baptism by immersion identifies the believer with Christ, symbolizing that the believer has died with Christ and also is raised with Christ to walk in newness of life.  The Lord Himself instituted the Lord’s Supper, and its purpose is to remind us of Jesus Christ and His sacrificial work for us.

The Christian Life

We believe that God’s purpose for us is that we be entirely sanctified, separated from sin and set apart to live obediently according to the revealed will of God.  Sanctification is a life-long process.  Every believer is called to love God supremely, to love people sacrificially, and to continually pursue Christ-likeness. 

Marriage and sexuality

We believe God’s plan for human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage.  We believe that marriage is exclusively the union of one genetic male and one genetic female. 

Sanctity of Human Life

We believe that all human beings are created in the image of God, and that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end.  We must speak for the unborn, elderly, and disabled, and demonstrate concern for the physical and spiritual needs of our fellow man.

The Return of Christ

We believe in the imminent, personal, and pre-millennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ to rapture His church to heaven.  This is the believer’s blessed hope and is a motivation for holy living and faithful service.  The rapture is followed by the tribulation, the reign of Christ as King over the earth for one thousand years, and finally, the eternal state.